I stated in my previous post about sharing some more of my thoughts that I've been having. One of them is my plan to create what's called a vision board. Basically it's a way of visualizing your hopes, dreams and goals. I happened to have the TV on a local variety show and they had a guest on talking about visualizing your aspirations and how it really works. I've heard about visualization techniques to reach your goals and manifesting your hopes, and that it really works. This guest has stated that successful people do this regularly. She said it is because you have this quick reference (the vision board) of the images you relate to and you have it in a place that you see frequently every day. This reminds you and motivates you to take those incremental steps daily to get you to your desired goals.
I'm naturally a visual person, and creating such a collage of images would make me feel great (the creative process is such a source of joy for me) and shall motivate my spirit that I CAN do it. It sounds a bit new-agey, but what if it works? It doens't cost anything besides the posterboard and glue. The magazines for clipping images were free, old ones that friends gave or that I had lying around.
Perhaps I shall post my vision board when I complete it and share with you my hopes, dreams and goals for my life.
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