Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We bought the Mercedes....

...of rice cookers on Sunday. It is the Tiger Corp. brand made in Japan and is the best of the best for rice steamers. Seeing how we prepare rice at the very least every week and at most once a day, it's worth it to have a good quality steamer. I read a few reviews of Tiger brand, and one customer said that they've used theirs for 12 years now!

That being said, our cheap (~$20) Chinese made rice cooker was bought shortly after we moved into our apartment three years ago and the non-stick coating in the bowl was chipping off, causing the rice to stick.

When it comes to electronic appliances and equipment, Golf is a big proponent of buying quality brands and paying the extra money for their durability. For a rice cooker to last over a decade and make quality rice is worth it to me to pay more.

1 comment:

Mel said...

It's so pretty! Does it make your rice taste like roses? It looks like it would. :D

Hear, hear, to splurging on quality appliances used daily!