There's a popular street in Alameda that has a fabulous Christmas lights display every year and this is the second year we've taken Aidan. Last night we finished dinner early and the weather was cooperating so we decided that was the night to go. Every house on this street is decked to the hilt and there are carolers strolling around and singing and even a Santa Claus in the middle island for kids. People come from all over to see this display and it was a lot of fun to go - some displays were quite creative such as one with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme and another using plastic lawn flamingos with antlers instead of reindeer. Aidan was beyond excited with it all.

This was Aidan's first experience sitting on Santa's lap. We went through a brief rehearsal as we stood in line for his turn about what to expect. I didn't want him to be scared. He did great and totally enjoyed sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what he wanted for Christmas. While we don't really celebrate Christmas, I might be persuaded to getting Aidan a little somethin from Santa every year. He loves Christmas - what kid doesn't?
Below are more pics from some of the great displays.

Aiden is just adorable! Hard to believe he is getting so big.
Hope you all have a happy holiday!
Happy New Year hon
I hope 2009 brings you everything your heart desires :-)
C x
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