It was so difficult to choose just a few photos because they're all so cute! That's a mother's dilemma always... I had to weed out the best out of hundreds and hundreds that are on our digital camera because it's time to send them out to print.

Aidan even knows how to blow out his own candle!

He also got a Thomas the Tank Engine blanket, Elmo sandals, 2 tank tops and a pair of shorts. His Aunt got him a Target gift card and I plan to get him some new shoes (already grown out of his old ones within a few months!) a booster chair since he now hates his high chair, and a training potty. If there is any money left, I will get him some more learning toys.
Oh that's so precious! Thanks for posting these Aima! What a big boy... :D
BTW I've had a little trouble lately with my blog account and some switch to Google id, and so I have not been able to leave comments. Trying it now...
Happy Birthday Aiden! Hard to believe you are two years old now!
Amy, you look great! When you get a chance, look at my new blog I'm testing. I am thinking about switching to it, cus it's so easy. I'm all for easy, when I have three kids to keep up with. I hate not showing as many photos as I used to, but I just haven't had the time to mess with it. And my connection has been slow too.
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