Monday, May 14, 2007

Subbed for a class of beginning English learners

I substitute taught at the local high school for the first time last Thursday, Friday and today. I used to think that high school wouldn't be my thing, since I've only taught younger kids, but these last three days were fun!

It was a class of beginning English learners, most of them Chinese students. There was one Mongolian girl, two Korean, two or three (I can't remember) Japanese, three from Honduras and one Thai girl. I got to speak with the Thai student quite a bit (in Thai) and it also made some of the other students curious about learning some simple Thai phrases. I learned a little about her life: that she'd been in the US for about a year and she was living with her mom, Auntie and step-dad. I asked if her step-father was a farang and she said yes (fortunately most Thais don't mind nosy questions, so I asked away!) She had also said she was from the Issan area, and that tipped me off to ask if her step dad was farang, too. Her English was pretty good.

Actually, for beginners, these kids did pretty darn good. They'd easily be intermediate level in Thailand, but here they must speak English a lot more. Like my Thai student, since she was the only Thai she had to speak English with her Korean and Chinese friends - and likewise with them.

It was a pleasureable way to spend three days (and get paid too!)

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