- It costs us $9 per month just to keep his information online. For now, that's $9 that could go for food on the table.
- We're still using his portrait from when he was 7 months old. We can't really afford to go out and get professional portraits taken of him at this time. I've tried doing some snapshots, but he's so wiggley that they always turn out blurry and the camera's slow. He gets a cute look on his face, I press the button but by the time the camera takes the picture, he's morphed into a different look. I'll try again tomorrow.
- Travel into San Francisco isn't cheap! It's over $6 round trip for one person. If both Golf and I go, it's over $12!!!! If we drive, like today, it's the expensive gas and a $3 toll.
- I've talked to another mom whose son she takes to auditions and she said that she's been to many, many of them before getting one gig. I seriously ask myself, is it worth all this time, effort and money? I'm leaning toward NO. I feel we'll just about break even once the 20% agent fee is taken out and taxes too. If I put as much time and effort into my own business, I think I'd be getting greater returns.
Yeah, my baby's cute, he might just have to show his cuteness to people in person rather than in print....
I'm so excited about Sunday's playoff in the World Cup! France vs. Italy!!!! I'm on the French side this time, even though they won the cup back in 1998. I like the guy Zinedine Zidane -- what a name! -- he's 34 years old and retiring for good both country and club. So what a way to go. One more game to go in his career. He's the one who made the one and only goal for France's victory over Portugal yesterday and he also made a goal the game before that.
I hope we get our second disc in the History of Soccer series today. That'd be cool.
Too bad you aren't closer, as I work for a A PHOTOGRAPHY COMPANY :) I could get you some photos done at no charge. We have some awesome photographers!
We're on France's side for the World Cup too!
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