Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bummed About My Toastmasters Club

We now have only eight active members in our Toastmasters Club, and of those eight, we're lucky if half of them show up on any given Thursday. I'm very disappointed in this, but apparently it's common in clubs everywhere, and not just Toastmasters.

People are too busy in their evenings, I guess. It's a by-product of my previous post of people cramming too much into their schedules and having too much work to do, too long of a commute to make and frankly, if there is any time left over for family in the evenings, that's where it should be spent, not at a Toastmasters Club, really. In the end, people just don't have the spare time for any fun extracurricular activities for self improvement and socialization with others in the community.

The decision about our club is that come January 2009, if there is not an increase in members, this club will shut down. Fortunately there is another club in Alameda and the remaining members and I will transfer to the other club. It's just kind of sad as this club I'm in has survived since 1972...

1 comment:

Michelle D. Fleming said...

Having about half your club turning up is normal. The problem is that you have so few members. Do many guests come to meetings?

Have you asked for a Club Coach? If you only have eight members you are certainly eligible for one.

It sounds like a relaunch may be in order. Is there any chance of getting support from the neighboring TM club?

How has your area governor rated your meetings?

I wish you the best of luck, it is a terrible shame to loose a TM club.