Monday, September 13, 2004

Work is back to normal

It feels SO good this week to be back on a normal schedule. Some teachers are still not quite finished with their exams, but I finished on time, did my lesson planning, and now my last few minutes at work are for playing (blogging and surfing!)

My husband is so fantastic. The other day, he bought me Kylie Body Language Live at the Appolo Theatre. I'm so happy. Thank you tii rak!

I do like Thai people very much, my husband is one of them, but my GOD they are loud people! I don't know where they got the reputation to be quiet and polite and sweet, but they talk so loudly, as if they are across the room from one another. In the teacher's room there are two who sing often. SIGH. It gets on my NERVES. And they speak loudly and fast, and since I don't understand, it's just NOISE.

It's so loud in this country, you would not believe it. People talk loudly, the traffic is noisy, loud music is everywhere: restaurants, aerobics sessions, promotional advertising at stores, machinery.... the list goes on and on. Thank GOD that it's quiet inside our apartment. It's beacause of the double glass, I'm sure of it.

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