Thursday, June 23, 2005

Books, work and pumping

My mother ordered some books for me from Amazon before she left and yesterday afternoon they arrived! I've barely pulled my nose from them since they got here and I'm immensely enjoying some new reading material. I can hardly wait to go back to the States where there are LIBRARIES readily available and I can read something new all the time. The first book I got is Down Came the Rain by Brooke Shields which is her story of dealing with post partum depression. The next book I got is the opposite end of the spectrum called Baby Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. I got her Belly Laughs book dealing with pregnancy and childbirth, this book is about "The naked truth about the first year of motherhood."

I got an email from Aeid at work saying that I could have a tutoring job every Saturday from 9-12 and get paid 1,500 Baht per day if I wanted the job and could I start this coming Saturday? I called her back and said I'd be delighted to work but could start the week after rather than begin this Saturday because Aidan has not yet been introduced to the bottle and I haven't tried pumping yet. I need all of next week to get used to pumping and get Aidan used to taking a bottle. I really do hope that works out OK. All the baby books and websites suggest to begin at about five weeks old introducing a breastfed infant to the bottle so as to avoid the dreaded 'nipple confusion'.

Anyway, I look forward to working a few hours a week and what I earn can pay for the rent, and that will help our savings nest egg we've been living off of since the beginning of May when my income stopped.

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