Saturday, April 23, 2005

Not a whole lot going on

So lately nothing much has been happening worth blogging about. I had my first week of summer school last week and it went smoothly. Only five more days to go for my career as a teacher -- at least for now, who knows what the future may bring. With that transition comes the excitement of bringing in a new baby and my new upcoming life role as a mother. I see my belly rolling around every day and this coming Thursday I will be entering my 9th month of pregnancy, so it's coming up quickly! Golf and I are both nervous and a little anxious, which are both normal.

Our time line is that in the first week of May, we're going to finish preparing for the baby, in case he decides to come early. Some things we need to buy and do:

* Get Golf's mattress -- for mother's arrival, she will be sleeping with me in the bed, Golf gets to sleep on the floor.
* Borrow a few extra pillows and a blanket from his niece.
* Wash all the baby's clothes.
* Set up the cradle next to our bed and wash the bedding.
* Buy a large nylon bag to send extra clothes home with Mom when she leaves.
* Buy a couple of nursing bras.
* Bottle nipples -- May (Golf's niece) already gave us some bottles, we just need the nipples for them. And I will be breastfeeding, but these bottles will be used for the pumped breastmilk for occasions like going to the hairdresser or the big dental appointments I have to have before we move back to the States.
* And finish buying some of baby's needs such as baby wipes, diaper cream, cotton balls, gripe water (an anti gas syrum for fussy babies) and some infant Tylonol.

I think that's all! So that's a summation of my life right about now -- everything BABY. :)


Indiamommy said...


I feel your excitement. I remember those last few weeks before I became a mom (officially since my child was already born!) and all I could do was wash and rewash all of his clothing. I was jumping for joy on one hand, and kind of freaking out on the other hand. I had the additional worries of if my son would like me, since he had a birthmother, and lots of ayahs. How would he like this white lady who he never had seen. I obsessed about this probably more than the clothes and cloth diapers.

I wish you the best remaining wait of your pregnancy will be relaxing, calm and happy.

Amy T said...

Thank you for the well wishes, Jyotsna and Darshani! The good thing about working this last week is that it makes the time go by faster. Then I basically have a month to wait around. It's nice to have you both around to relate to!


Indiamommy said...


Will you have a doula or labor assistant besides the nurse?

Amy T said...

Nope, just my DH as my coach. I don't know that they even offer doulas here in Thailand! And I found out that only my husband is allowed to stay with me during the birth. My mother cannot attend, and that's a real disappointment because she's flying all the way out for this event.