Monday, May 30, 2005

He might have colic

Our baby is keeping us up all hours of the night. It starts around 9 or 10 PM, just when I feel like passing out from lack of sleep from the previous night. Then he nurses for almost an hour, then fusses. Golf takes him over for his fuss time, but he stresses out after an hour or so (understandably). Then I will take him and feed him again and it's back and forth, both of us til about 2:30 or 3 AM!!! I get 3 hours of sleep before Aidan's up and ready for his next breast feeding session. I cannot sleep more than about an hour or two during the day. I'm going to try breastfeeding laying down tonight. I hate to say it but this is interfering with my bonding with my son and it's breaking my heart. :( It's 6:15 and the night has begun. Let's hope it won't be as bad as last night. These first weeks seem to stretch for an eternity. I mean he's only a week old and most colic begins at two. He started at about 4 or 5 days of age. It's just so hard and this is one of my only opportunities to go on the internet to do anything. I haven't taken any visitors, nor do I want to leave the apartment. I hope life gets better soon.


Indiamommy said... will get better!

Right now just focus on grabbing some sleep while you can, and eating healthy, and just like Darshani said, making sure you don't eat something that makes the baby gassy.

When Lakshmi was a baby (she was my only little one) I kept her in the sling, or swaddled her.

And sleeping and nursing on your side is really a great idea. When I figured out how to do that, I just would pull Lakshmi in close to me and fall asleep with her across my arm. When she was hungry, she would wake and start making lip sounds. I really got to the point where I didn't have to wake to get her latched on and nursing, but in the beginning, it helped to have a nice pillow under my head, and one behind me so I didn't fall backwards.

Good luck!

Amy T said...

THanks for the website, Darshani. I don't have that book or DVD yet, but the website is helpful. My mother suspected overstimulation too. Thanks for your support. :)

Thank you too, Jytostna. Right now I feel like I should start exercising, getting back into shape but the thought of adding that responsibility is a little bit too much right now. We'll see.