Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Aidan decided to come four days early and he arrived on Sunday, May 22nd at 3:42 AM. My labor was very quick -- We arrived at the hospital on Saturday night at about 10 and I was only 1 cm dialated. That's less than 6 hours of labor in the hospital. I actually powerwalked with my mother earlier that night at about 6. Who would have thought that less than 12 hours later I'd have given birth?!?! I'm convinced it's a combination of all the yoga I had been doing and of the raspberry leaf tea my mom brought over. I drank a bunch of it for about three days.

Our boy is so beautiful and healthy and strong! Golf has set up a website of his pictures, although even today at three days old he looks different and cuter every day. He's also a lucky boy in that he was born on a major Buddhist holiday: Vishakabucha Day, the day that the Lord Buddha was born, achieved enlightenment and went to Nirvana. Well, baby needs to be fed and life with a newborn is now in full swing!

1 comment:

Indiamommy said...

Amy, Aiden and Golf!

Congratulations! He is beautiful! I was sure you were having him! How is breastfeeding going?
