Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Yesterday I got to do my yoga, but only with the help of my DH, who watched a squalling baby while I tried to get my body back. Boy, those sun salutations get the sweat going and when I finished I felt almost like I overdid it. WHEW! Well, lugging around an extra thirty pounds of fat takes extra effort! I was sweating like crazy...

That baby did not take any naps yesterday nor the day before and it sometimes gets us worried. We are trying many different methods to try to get him to sleep. Fortunately right now he's taking a nap. We'll ask the pediatrician at his doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Another bummer: The shipping company we want to use to take alot of our stuff back is costing us more than double what I estimated. Oh well, we have no choice and it's a one time thing...

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