Saturday, July 30, 2005

Health Insurance woes

Yesterday I applied for short term health insurance. It's a pain in general anyway because the health insurance industry is a complete rip off and has many MANY problems, but especially a pain in the butt to have to deal with trying to get insurance while still living overseas. I can't talk to any agent because they all have toll free numbers and I cannot make toll free calls abroad. I need to have health coverage for my family once we arrive, just to be safe. We decided on short term insurance because we want to get Aidan on a different policy and get only catastrauphic insurance for DH and me. We hardly ever need to use a doctor's or hospital's services, so why pay for it? Just have coverage in case of severe illness or accident. Aidan's a different story though, and I'm going to see if we qualify for the Healthy Families program. While I've been teaching here in Thailand, my wages here put me in solidly middle class income. It's very good income here. In the USA though, since I get paid in Thai baht, it's considered almost poverty level. So because of my previous earnings in US dollars, our family may qualify. And here we've been able to save too! Maybe the system will work for us this time, we shall see.

1 comment:

Running2Ks said...

Oh I really hope that works out. Medical insurance in the US is such a pain!