Friday, July 30, 2004

Asarnha Bucha Day

Tomorrow will be Asharnha Bucha Day, a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the start of Lent for the monks. Today our school went to the nearby temple and did the ceremony one day early since the real holiday is on a Saturday.
Asharnha Bucha has its roots long ago when monks were so poor that they could not even get a candle to light their way at the temple. It was also rainy season, so they were discouraged from walking across rice fields to collect alms since it would damage the crops.
So began the Buddhist Lent, where the tradition is that the monks, for the next three months during monsoon season, stay cloistered in the temples and devotees bring them everything that they need, including candles! The holiday marks the beginning of this three month period and the highlight is the intricately carved candles that are offered as merit.

Devotees bring food, money, toietries, lightbulbs, flowers, candles, and other necessities to the temple. They circle the temple clockwise three times. This can  be accompanied with musical instuments and drumming.  The devotees then go inside the temple and make their offering to the monks.

Today at school we did this, the entire school went and we had the processional as described above. There were about four other schools there from around the neighborhood complete with dancing girls in traditional dress and marching bands. It was quite a show! And many BEAUTIFUL carved candles with flowers and garlands. I took many photos on my digital camera and if Golf uploads them to his website, I will post a link to it over the weekend on my blog.
So Monday will be a holiday since the real holiday is on Saturday. NO WORK! YAY! I love three day weekends!!! We don't have a whole lot planned, but that's alright. Perhaps I will work on the coloring book I am trying to illustrate!

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