Thursday, March 31, 2005

I got more yoga

The other day I ordered two more yoga DVDs. I got these because they have segmented workouts for morning, evening, one for stress (good for Golf when he sits all day at the computer), and one for weight loss. I thought that with a new baby and a hectic schedule, I would be more likely to fit in a couple of 20 minute sessions in in a day instead of one full hour. So we'll see! I got The All-Day Yoga Workout - A.M., Stress Relief, and P.M. Yoga for Beginners and A.M. & P.M. Yoga - Conditioning For Weight Loss. I think that my future yoga practice plus walking and taking stairs, along with breast feeding and being a conscious eater cooking from home will help my baby weight come off nicely. :)


Dawn said...

Thanks Amy, I will update my site with your info.
I need to get into yoga and stretching myself more.. I might check those tapes out myself.

Anonymous said...

Are there other forums/blogs that are more specific for this topic? I have not found one.

Amy T said...

I'm sure there are more, as the Internet has everything. I don't have a specific source though.